Jerry Cudmore dot com


This site contains my Photos   Last Update  5-23-2018

Please NOTE: you can start a slideshow after opening the

first picture in any album, press the start button

These Picture are free for you to enjoy, however they are copyrighted by me and any commercial use for monetary gain is prohibited.

Many of the pictures can be made larger once chosen by another click inside the picture.

Eclipse 2018 Click Here

Vegas 2018 Click here

Regal Princess 10-17  Click here

Cruise Hawaii October 2016   Click here

Cruise 2013 Norwegian Breakaway Click Here

Antique Car Show 4-28-13  Click Here

Disney 2013    Click Here

Cruise 2012       Click here

Cruise 2011 "The group"  Click here

Train Show Bronx Botanical Gardens 12-2010   Click HERE

Train Video Low Res    Click HERE

Princess Caribbean 6 2010  Click Here

Lodi Christmas Party 2008  Click here

Carnival Cruise July 4th 2008     click here

Cathy's Party June 2008   Click here

Cathy's Graduation May 2008      Click here

Philadelphia/Hillary Obama Debates    4-17-2008     Click Here

Christmas Pictures from Bayside and NYC 12-20-07   Click Here

Lodi 2007 Christmas Party 12-1-2007  Click Here

Coney Island 2006  Click here

Library of Congress GMA 2004    click here

Museum Of Natural History  Click Here

Bermuda 2005 Cruise     Click Here

Ellis Island     Click here

Pictures taken 10 yrs ago first digital camera

And I thought these were good!!!

Hawaii   Click here

Pearl Harbor   Click here

Lodi 2006 Party     Click Here

Russo/Magill Wedding 11-11-2006   Click Here

Washington DC Space And Smithsonian Air Museums  Click here

Boston Aquarium Pre Convention   Click Here

My World Trade Center Roof Pictures   Click Here

Orlando Golf at Disney   Click Here

San Diego Zoo  Click Here

Rhinebeck Aerodrome    Click here

Wright Patterson Air Force Base   Click here

Ford Museum Private tour, Super bowl week  Click Here

Super bowl pre game GMA   click Here

New Year 06 Time Square   Click Here

Graceland "Elvis Lives TCB"   Click Here

OLD Cape Kennedy Shuttle launches  Click here

Bloomsburg State Fair, Demolition Derby   click here

New Orleans Mardi Gras 06   Click here   

911 Memorial shots  Click Here

Memphis GMA with Justin Timberlake  Click here

Memphis, Sun Studios. Elvis made his first record here Click Here

Sunrise Sunsets       click here

Mystic Aquarium 8-8-06  click here

Old ABC Remote Pictures   Click here

More ABC pictures, not taken by me     Click here

Thanks to Bob Larson for these photos

Bronx Zoo 7-7-06 Click Here

Air Show   Sunday Air show aboard the Golden Knights Plane Click Here

Air Show   Saturday Air show, Plane close ups Click Here

David Blaine in the Giant Fishbowl David Blaine  Click Here

Lost, Grey's Anatomy, The desperate Housewives  Click here

East End Cutchogue   Click Here  7-2-06

Coney Island Aquarium  Click here   7-1-06

Chuck Cabana Party 4th July 06 Click here

Amaganset/Montauk 06  Click here  7-06



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Updated 05/24/2018

Note: If you use Explorer 4 or above you will experience great sound


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